Soul Sessions - Emotional Bliss

Soul Session 1 - 60min

This is an active session so get your pen and paper ready as we breakdown the 4 Steps of processing your Emotions and start understanding your feelings.

Once you've followed the steps and written down your learning for you, then listen to this Hypno-Meditation to begin decluttering and clearing your emotions. You can use this anytime you're feeling stuck or finding it difficult to move on from a situation or event.

Soul Session 2 - 60min

Here we start creating the emotional bliss we're wanting to sit and vibrate in. Creating new feelings and thoughts, creating them as new habits.

There are 2 Hypno-Meditations for you to use, one in the morning and one in the evening as you fall asleep allowing the subconscious mind to take in these new programs.



$57.00 AUD